of domain names, website references and network addresses that allow identifying websites containing information dissemination of which is violating copyright and (or) related rights

Federal Law № 149-FZ dated July 27, 2006

"On Information, Information Technologies, and Information Protection" (PDF)

The functioning of Informational system of interaction (PDF)

Application form for copyright owner (PDF)

Notification form on violation of copyright and (or) related rights (PDF)

Procedure of digital signature retrieving (PDF)

List of accredited certification centers of Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian (URL)

In accordance with article 15.2 of the Federal Law 149-FZ of July 27, 2006 «On Information, Information Technology, and Protection of Information» hosting provider and (or) owner of the website shall immediately take measures on restricting access or removal of information violating copyright and (or) related rights.

The notification in Russian and English languages is sent to the email of hosting provider (or another person) from official Roskomnadzor e-mail

Within one working day upon receipt of the electronic notification from Roskomnadzor about the infringement of copyright and (or) related rights (except photographic works and works obtained by processes similar to photography) (hereinafter - notification) the hosting provider shall inform the website owner of the necessity of taking immediate measures on restricting access or removal of information violating copyright and (or) related rights.

Within one day from the time of receipt of the notice from hosting provider the website owner is obliged to remove the violating information.

In the event of a failure of taking such measures or omission by the website owner the hosting provider is required to limit access to this internet site within three working days upon receipt of notice from the Roskomnadzor.

In case of failure or omission of hosting provider and (or) the website owner to take mentioned above measures, the domain name of the website, its URL(s), IP-address(es) and other related information are sent to communications service providers for taking measures on restricting access to such website.

In order to promptly obtain information about violating of copyright and (or) related rights you can send your contacts and e-mail using the feedback form.

Also via the feedback form you can inform us about the deleting of the prohibited information.