of domain names, website references and network addresses that allow identifying websites containing information dissemination of which is violating copyright and (or) related rights

Federal Law № 149-FZ dated July 27, 2006

"On Information, Information Technologies, and Information Protection" (PDF)

The functioning of Informational system of interaction (PDF)

Application form for copyright owner (PDF)

Notification form on violation of copyright and (or) related rights (PDF)

Procedure of digital signature retrieving (PDF)

List of accredited certification centers of Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian (URL)

In accordance with the Part 1 of Article 15.2 of the Federal Law 149-FZ of July 27, 2006 «On Information, Information Technology, and Protection of Information» Roskomnadzor receives applications from the copyright holders on restriction of access to the Internet sites distributing the objects of copyright and (or) related rights (except photographic works and works obtained by processes similar to photography) without permission of copyright holder or without any other legal grounds.

The application must be submitted under the Moscow City Court act, via form available at the official site of Roskomnadzor.

To apply for a copyright infringement you must be authorized in Russian Federation Electronic Government systems.